Microsoft Teams’ Latest Evolution: Welcoming the ‘Communities’ Feature

Microsoft Teams Communities Graphic

Microsoft Teams’ Latest Evolution: Welcoming the ‘Communities’ Feature

In today’s world, where remote working is increasingly becoming the norm and teams are spread across multiple locations, collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams have turned from a luxury to an essential. Ever the innovator, Microsoft Teams has just launched its newest upgrade – the Communities feature.

Delving Deeper into the Communities Feature

Designed with a distinct British business ethos in mind, especially those encompassing multiple departments or teams, the Communities feature in Microsoft Teams presents an innovative avenue for targeted group communication. Picture it as a ‘room’ or ‘hub’, where specific segments of your organisation – be it a project group, a certain department, or even a temporary taskforce – can come together. This ensures messages and information reach the right ears without inundating everyone in the broader team.

Why Businesses Across the UK Should Take Notice

  1. Refined Communication: In larger enterprises or those with multifaceted teams, it’s easy for communication to become muddled or lost amidst the daily chatter. Communities introduce a structure, making departmental or team-based dialogues sharper and more purposeful.
  2. Heightened Collaboration: Having a bespoke space means all relevant files, updates, and messages cohabit. This not only promotes more effective teamwork but drastically reduces the time and energy spent trawling for vital information.
  3. State-of-the-art Moderation Tools: In tandem with the Communities feature, Microsoft has also released enhanced moderation tools. These grant more potent management capabilities to community overseers or leaders. These tools ensure an environment free from distractions, filtering out unnecessary messages, ensuring guidelines are upheld, and generally creating a more focussed workspace.

Beyond the Feature: The Bigger Picture for UK Businesses

Let’s broaden our perspective for a moment. This isn’t merely about a new feature; it’s about what this signals for the trajectory of business communication. The introduction of such specialised features suggests a larger trend: platforms are recognising the evolving needs of businesses and responding in kind. The Communities feature, for instance, can revolutionise how project management unfolds in larger businesses. Instead of disparate emails, chat threads, and shared folders, imagine a singular space where all project-related communication and resources reside. It can also pave the way for better inter-departmental collaborations, as departments can form joint communities for combined initiatives. Furthermore, for UK businesses with overseas branches or clients, the Communities feature could serve as an organised space where cross-border teams can communicate seamlessly, negating time zone differences and ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

Making the Transition

If your enterprise is already utilising Microsoft Teams, it’s a straightforward decision – incorporate the Communities feature into your workflow for heightened collaboration and efficiency. However, if you’ve not yet ventured into the world of Teams, these advanced features offer a compelling reason to reconsider. Haven’t given Teams a go yet? Now’s your chance. And if guidance is what you need, we’re here to assist.