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The Creative Ways Cyber Criminals Get Your Money

With the increase of techniques cyber criminals use to take your money, so has their creativity. Below are some of the more creative ways that you can become victim to the new age criminals.



We’re so focused on email security, that we often forget the old-fashioned ways…

Recently we received a letter from one of our suppliers informing us that they had changed their bank details and requested that we make further payment to that. Of course, this letter was not from said supplier. It was an attempted impersonation from fraudsters.

Lesson: Always contact the actual business if you receive any emails or letters asking to change bank accounts for suppliers.


Tagging along

If you download an unauthentic product online, it’s possible that there is malicious content hiding somewhere in the download. Cyber criminals use this opportunity to infect your PC with malware such as spyware – a strain that observes your computer use anonymously for sensitive information, such as your bank details.

Lesson: Always download authentic, legitimate files.


Facebook Identity Theft

Facebook is a hacker’s best friend.

All it takes to infect your PC with ransomware or other malicious content is for you to click a link.

You probably wouldn’t click on a link from an untrusted source, would you? But what if that link was sent to you from a friend?

Cyber Criminals impersonate your friends on Facebook, by copying their information and photos into a new account. They then send you a friend request in the hope you will accept. Next, you will receive a message from them telling you to ‘check out this link’ for ‘x’ reason. This link will have malicious content on the other side.

Lesson: Check twice before you accept that friend request!


USB Drives

Simply plugging a USB in means it has already bypassed the firewall and other defences.

There are many reasons you might plug a USB stick with malicious content into your network.

Recent research by Google shows that over 45% of people pick up USB drives they find on the floor by random and put them in their computers. The reason so many did it was because of altruistic intentions. Although, once the USB was installed, they first looked at pictures rather than the CV, suggestion curiosity had a strong part to play.

Lesson: Stay away from unknown USB Devices.



If you feel it would be beneficial to invest in network security or would like to find out more information, call 01273 806211 or go to

Jake Wharton
Marketing Assistant
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